GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Monday, February 20, 2017

Robert Kiyosaki: 4 Assets that make people Rich

My poor dad always told me to me go to school and get a high-paying job. That’s not creating wealth. That's a job. My rich dad on the other hand always says work for assets. There are basically 4 asset classes that makes a person rich.

Number 1 is Business. The richest young guys today start companies. Some great examples of this are Facebook, Google, Apple, etc.

Number 2 is real estate. What my rich dad taught me is the combination of being an entrepreneur in business and an entrepreneur in real estate. Now due to this combination, I pay no tax and I make a lot more money.

The 3rd asset is Paper. Savings in gold, papers like stocks bonds mutual funds are liquid. You make a mistake, you can get in and out real quick.

The last asset is Commodities and this is why I own oil because in the U.S. if you deal in oil, you get tax breaks. So oil is very profitable.

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