GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Fed Insider: The Debt Is Unsustainable:Danielle DiMartino Booth

Fed Insider: We Have Been Put On Notice, The Debt Is Unsustainable:Danielle DiMartino Booth

Transcript : today's guest is danielle 0:26 DeMartino booth 0:28 Danielle spent nine years as a senior 0:30 financial analyst with the federal 0:31 reserve of dallas and served as an 0:33 advisor on monetary policy to dallas 0:35 Federal Reserve President Richard W 0:37 Fisher until his retirement 0:40 danielle has a new book out called set 0:41 up it will be released on febuary 14 and 0:44 I am very happy and honored to have 0:46 Danielle on the x20 report spotlight 0:48 danielle welcome to the spotlight 0:49 I'm so happy here today thank you for 0:51 being on here and you are upset insider 0:55 you work for the Fed did you quit the 0:57 fed well I wouldn't say I quit the fact 1:00 that that's kind of a strong word i 1:01 followed in whatever this one of the 1:03 most hawkish hawks in central banking 1:05 history and I call him out 1:08 it's not involved in Richard Fisher I 1:10 followed him out yes so you wrote this 1:12 book set up i like the title set up 1:14 that's the plan words can you just give 1:16 us a brief summary of why you decided to 1:19 write this book out called days at the 1:21 words that i use our are duty-bound oh I 1:25 i spent a long time inside the Fed as an 1:28 outsider as an outsider looking in and i 1:32 joined the Fed it going into the 1:34 financial crisis and i was there in the 1:36 years that followed it and what I 1:39 witnessed and experienced were so 1:42 alarming to me that I felt that I was 1:46 duty-bound to share my experience and 1:49 connect the dots for the average 1:51 American who might not appreciate the 1:54 intricacies of the institution but more 1:56 importantly how directly the Fed affects 1:59 their everyday investment decisions it 2:04 as well as spending decisions 2:06 ok i just wanted to get into the Fed and 2:09 I just wanted to clear up some things 2:10 that people might not know many people 2:12 do know this but is the Fed part of the 2:15 government but that is a hybrid if you 2:18 will the Federal Reserve district banks 2:21 are private institutions that remit the 2:26 remaining profits that they generate if 2:28 there are any after they cover their 2:30 operating expenses 2:31 to the Federal Reserve in Washington and 2:34 the Federal Reserve in Washington then 2:35 transmits any profits after it covers 2:38 its operating expenses to the treasure 2:40 in the form of remittances so the best 2:42 way I can describe the fed to the 2:44 average American as is that the 12 2:47 district that the 12 districts email 2:50 addresses and in dot o RG and those in 2:54 washington DC like Janet Yellen her 2:58 email address and in dot govt so it's 3:01 it's a private public institution it's 3:04 both 3:05 okay and who are the people running the 3:07 fit i mean who are they what are they 3:08 part of well they're mainly part of 3:11 academia who are they what are they part 3:13 of a rin it didn't used to be that way i 3:16 don't mean to be flip but but the people 3:19 running the Fed are mainly PhD in 3:22 economics whose decision-making revolves 3:25 around theoretical models these 3:28 theoretical models is just things where 3:30 they're sitting you know in a setting 3:32 where they're just you know thinking 3:34 about how they should approach the 3:35 economy i mean are they out on the 3:37 street are they looking at what's 3:39 happening with the people are they 3:41 really do they have their ear to the 3:43 ground of knowing what's really going on 3:45 no I think that's I think that you're 3:47 driving at the core of really what's 3:49 gone along with the Fed is that there's 3:52 not enough practicality and pragmatism 3:55 it within the institution if something 3:58 is going on in the real world doesn't 4:00 happen to fit into one of their 4:02 econometrics models then it simply 4:04 dismissed and that goes a long way 4:07 towards explaining why the fed missed 4:09 the financial crisis when a lot of 4:11 people who did have their ear to the 4:13 ground myself being one of them thought 4:15 coming is the Fed than working in the 4:18 best interest of the American people 4:20 well no that's kind of a rhetorical 4:21 question and i would have to say no that 4:24 the Fed has not been acting in the best 4:26 interests of the American people 4:27 otherwise you wouldn't have had now the 4:30 second largest generation in the country 4:32 the baby boomers course the Millennials 4:33 are a larger generation population life 4:36 but you really wouldn't have a have 4:38 abandoned the retiree class in this 4:40 country with the specter of zero 4:42 interest rates 4:44 add that truly had their best interests 4:46 in mind so with all this currency 4:48 printing or creation with QE the Fed 4:53 buying up the toxic real estate from the 4:55 banks is the Fed actually working for 4:57 wall street then 4:59 well i don't think anybody fed would 5:00 answer in the affirmative to that 5:03 question but that has been one of the 5:06 they would tell you unintended 5:08 consequences is that fed policy has 5:11 unfairly benefited Wall Street and that 5:15 it has unfairly detrimental the average 5:18 American IE main street but I don't 5:21 think that's what they think that they 5:23 were doing but again to go back going 5:27 back to early observation is their ear 5:29 to the ground 5:30 no I don't think it is I think that they 5:32 believe that the so-called wealth effect 5:33 actually exist on planet earth where it 5:36 really doesn't the wealth is not trickle 5:38 down to every working American so since 5:41 2008 since the the crisis that we had 5:44 the great recession up into this point 5:46 which is almost nine years later as the 5:49 economy actually improved after 5:51 everything the Fed has done i think it's 5:53 it's fair to say that jobs have been 5:55 created and that home prices are 5:58 certainly risen and that asset prices 6:02 like stocks and bonds have have also 6:04 risen in value has the economy itself 6:08 improved you know if you look at 6:11 economic growth from the time that we 6:14 emerged from recession in 2009 until the 6:17 just reported year and final 2016 gross 6:21 domestic product has averaged 6:23 one-point-eight percent so i would have 6:25 to say no the economy really has not 6:29 improved or not technically in recession 6:31 the way it's defined but improved i 6:34 think is something at the stretch given 6:36 this is the most anemic economic growth 6:39 we've seen in the post-world War two ERA 6:40 you talk about jobs and there's a lot of 6:43 individuals that look at the job numbers 6:45 and they're saying that these job 6:46 numbers aren't really reflecting the 6:49 actual people at work because they're 6:52 saying a lot of it once a lot of jobs 6:54 one from 6:55 full-time to part-time a lot of people 6:57 are out of the labor force but they 6:58 still want a job and when Trump was 7:00 actually campaigning a lot of people 7:02 looked at this and said you know you 7:04 know he's right there's a lot of people 7:06 out of work and and people aren't 7:09 working right now defend actually see 7:12 this as a problem where they feel that 7:15 the labor market is strong 7:16 unfortunately I think they believe that 7:19 the unemployment rate that is reported 7:23 every month in the headlines is 7:25 indicative of success on their part up 7:28 but by the same token i think that they 7:33 recognize that the labor force 7:34 participation rate or the flip side of 7:37 it is the employment to population ratio 7:39 is certainly not what would indicate a 7:42 robust and strong jobs market which is 7:46 why they continue to keep interest rates 7:48 as low as they are hoping that this tool 7:52 will help create more jobs but this far 7:56 into again a very anemic recovery you 8:00 would have to start to observe that 8:02 they're using the wrong tool that it is 8:04 not it is not and should not be the onus 8:08 and federal reserve to induce strong job 8:12 recovery that that produce strong wages 8:14 and incomes now the Fed has been talking 8:16 about interest rates raising interest 8:19 rates they said last year they were 8:20 going to raise interest rates you know 8:22 maybe three times during the year they 8:23 only have one so now in 2017 they have 8:26 said they're going to raise interest 8:27 rates once again from working with the 8:30 Fed and seeing what's out there 8:31 do you believe that they will be raising 8:34 interest rates three times this year 8:36 well they're going to have to get 8:37 started when the market does not expect 8:39 for them to get started 8:40 they were a bit more dovish than the 8:43 than was anticipated coming right out of 8:46 the gate with their first statement on 8:48 temporary the first and so the market at 8:50 that point reduced its expectations for 8:53 lighting interest rates at the upcoming 8:55 march meeting so so the Federal Reserve 8:58 only tends to raise interest rates if 9:01 there's a press conference that follows 9:02 the decision that leaves them with for 9:05 opportunities in 2017 9:08 they'll really have to change the 9:11 persistent the perception of a of an 9:14 interest rate increase in march in order 9:16 to even begin fulfilling that commitment 9:18 of three times if they don't raise 9:20 interest rates in March that means that 9:22 they'll have to raise that's at the 9:24 other three meetings where there's a 9:26 press conference that follows which kind 9:28 of backed him into a corner in the same 9:30 spirit that they were backed into a 9:31 corner in 2016 and had to renege on 9:34 their caucus that the Fed is continually 9:37 out there and there I mean I see the 9:40 minutes and they say that the economy is 9:42 doing well you work for the Fed and you 9:45 saw what was coming up in the 2008 9:47 crisis when you look today 9:51 do you see that we're headed towards 9:53 another crisis i try and keep a positive 9:56 lookout out their outlook i would say 10:01 that American banks are not as capital 10:05 constrained or as weak as they were 10:07 going into 2008 because there has been 10:10 some repair that's gone on those balance 10:13 sheets but by the same token we don't 10:17 know how interconnected we are on a 10:19 global basis in the aftermath of all of 10:22 this quantitative easing other global 10:25 banks blowing out their balance sheets 10:27 in the same way that we have here at the 10:29 Federal Reserve United States and asset 10:33 valuations are more stretched then they 10:35 were maybe not in residential real 10:37 estate that's certainly the case in 10:39 commercial real estate and in the bond 10:42 market and got the stock market is 10:45 almost at its peak overvaluation levels 10:48 as well so will the financial crisis 10:51 that's become look the same as that 10:53 which arrived in a way to no.9 probably 10:56 not but that doesn't mean that there 10:59 won't be a substantial amount of wealth 11:01 lost going forward when these different 11:04 and multiple bubbles do eventually 11:06 implode under their own weight 11:09 i mean you're talking about bubbles and 11:11 many times the Fed is out there and they 11:13 say they don't see any bubbles 11:14 whatsoever 11:15 is that you actually see bubbles and in 11:17 the market in real estate and maybe Otto 11:20 and student loans did you actually see 11:22 bubbles 11:23 I mean bubbles is a word that is just 11:25 overused but if you look at for example 11:30 consumer credit United States because 11:33 you just said auto loans and student 11:34 loans right now it's almost twenty 11:37 percent of economic output consumer 11:40 credit outside of mortgages that's two 11:42 percentage points above where it was at 11:45 its former peak in 2008 so households 11:49 are definitely more stretched than they 11:52 have been again maybe not in mortgages 11:55 but when you add up some of the default 11:58 rates that we're seeing in FHA mortgages 12:01 which is really the only way for uh for 12:04 but for households with stretch budgets 12:06 to make low down payment down payment on 12:10 mortgages and get into a home if you 12:12 look at the default rate there about 12:15 four percent if you look at the default 12:16 rate on student loans about eleven 12:18 percent if you look at the default rate 12:20 on subprime auto loans about that love 12:25 that the losses are running about 8% 12:26 sorry i don't know that that default 12:28 figure 2 top of my head but you are 12:30 seeing stresses emanate from the 12:33 household sector which tells you that 12:36 the size of the debt has grown to be um 12:41 is going to be much too large bubbles 12:43 usually talk about bubbles and asset 12:45 classes and is a bond market in a bubble 12:48 I would have to say that that's the case 12:50 because it's a three trillion dollars in 12:52 global losses suffered just in the few 12:54 weeks that followed the election because 12:56 the bond market took a step back and you 12:58 talked about debt 13:00 I mean right now the United States in 20 13:03 trillion dollars worth of dead two 13:05 hundred trillion of that global global 13:08 market I mean we have a lot of debt and 13:11 what I've seen in the passes that the 13:13 tax revenue coming into the government 13:15 has continually dropped declining right 13:17 now if you look at the state level if 13:18 you look at the federal level the tax 13:21 revenues coming in are dropping 13:23 can we sustain this debt right now 13:27 well we can sustain the data is long 13:29 the rest of the world allows us to is 13:32 the long story short would have US 13:34 dollar remains well the US dollar 13:36 remains the reserve currency and that 13:39 means that foreign countries will still 13:42 have to continue to pony up at our 13:43 auctions and support our debt so 13:46 mathematically speaking unless you're 13:47 talking about Armageddon we can continue 13:49 to support this get that being said 13:52 you're right the budget does not work 13:54 and at towards the end of last year we 13:57 were put on notice of the country 13:59 because our deficit started to rise as 14:00 well so if interest rates rise at any 14:05 kind of an appreciable rate the debt 14:07 service of the country will quickly 14:09 engulfed the budget and we will have 14:11 serious problems and I'm worried about 14:14 the ability to service the US debt I 14:16 worry about the ability of corporations 14:18 to service their record debt levels if 14:21 you look at non-financial corporations 14:22 and again I go back to households as 14:24 well who have tacked on enormous amount 14:26 of get over the past few years and they 14:29 could seriously not afford interest 14:30 rates to rise against that backdrop if 14:32 we cannot service the dead at that point 14:35 ever comes 14:36 what do you see happening in the economy 14:37 then what these are these are questions 14:39 that are very difficult to answer right 14:41 the last time something like this 14:42 happened china was a global super parent 14:44 you're talking about 1913-14 in the 14:47 years that led up to the great 14:48 depression that's what happens when 14:50 countries can't service debt you end up 14:53 with currency wars and trade words that 14:56 follow followed by Wars and that's what 15:00 happens that's why that there there's a 15:02 tremendous amount of anger which is one 15:04 of the reasons I wrote the book because 15:06 the average American can't figure out 15:08 why they can't get ahead 15:11 well they can't get ahead because the 15:14 culture inside the federal reserve has 15:16 been one that has promoted debt creation 15:19 at this at the expense of long lasting 15:24 prosperity and that's not something that 15:27 can continue indefinitely without 15:29 serious consequences but I would never 15:31 bring up the whole idea of war as in 15:35 warfare related to an economy if it 15:39 wasn't that serious but i think that it 15:41 can become that 15:42 areas over time especially if other 15:46 global economies have to engage 15:48 themselves to try and keep their 15:50 economies afloat which end up trading 15:53 tension across global lines former 15:55 senator ron paul and I'll Senator Rand 15:58 Paul and other senators they're pushing 16:00 a bill to audit the Fed and it seems 16:03 like the Fed continually fights that 16:04 they don't want to be audited what are 16:06 they so afraid of what are they worried 16:08 about if they are audited 16:10 well i don't think that the Fed wants 16:13 anybody to question the way that they 16:15 make monetary policy 16:17 they're very protective of that which is 16:20 understandable we need an independent 16:21 central bank i disagree with the 16:25 Senators on the idea that we should end 16:28 the fed I wouldn't want the banking 16:30 system to run off into the sunset 16:31 completely unregulated arm but i do 16:35 think that there needs to be more of a 16:37 check and balance on what has 16:39 effectively become the fourth branch of 16:40 the u.s. government the federal reserve 16:43 and i think that the onus is upon 16:45 Congress and the administration to put 16:49 dissenting voices on to the federal 16:51 reserve board so that we don't 16:53 necessarily have to come in and say this 16:55 is absolutely how you have to conduct 16:57 yourself and you you have to be a you 16:59 have to go by this or that rule in 17:01 making monetary policy and be 17:03 disciplined inside of a box but i do 17:06 think that if you had more people among 17:09 federal reserve officials who were able 17:11 to dissent and were able to disturb that 17:14 culture of groupthink that we wouldn't 17:17 be in the situation that we were in 17:18 today with people demanding an audit of 17:20 the Dead you have to go down to the stud 17:23 and invite descent on to the federal 17:26 reserve board i think the opposite way I 17:28 think that it's the people of the 17:31 country that should be involved and 17:34 looking at what the Fed is doing i no 17:36 its private but i believe that the fed 17:39 as a private corporation gets away with 17:42 a lot of things and the people of the 17:44 country because before the said there 17:46 was no said it was the government 17:48 creating currency and now we have this 17:51 debt base model which looks like it 17:54 can't go any further 17:56 and at the at this time I don't see the 17:58 purpose in the Fed I don't see what 18:01 benefit it gives to the people because 18:03 they're actually loaning currency out to 18:06 the public with interest and the people 18:08 then they have to pay for this in the 18:10 long run with taxes and actually if you 18:12 look at the debt load in the country 18:15 there's really no way to pay this back 18:17 at all 18:18 no there's not and your white that the 18:20 Fed has stopped working for the people 18:24 of the country but that doesn't mean 18:26 that the institution needs to go away 18:28 the word that i use means it is up and I 18:32 don't think we need a thousand PhD 18:34 economist at the Federal Reserve all 18:36 coming up with the same conclusion 18:38 looking at the same data i think that 18:40 the budget in terms of the research that 18:42 needs to be slashed and that the budget 18:45 in terms of providing the bank's needs 18:47 to be greatly increased so that we can 18:50 stay one step ahead of those on Wall 18:52 Street who are creating the Securities 18:55 and assets that makes there specifically 18:58 to get around the regulators and stay 19:00 one step in front of the Fed I think we 19:03 need to have the smartest people at the 19:06 table and have people who have been on 19:08 the receiving end of that policy to make 19:11 sure that set policy is designed for the 19:13 people at the Federal Reserve you have 19:16 to start at the very foundations and put 19:19 make sure that if the Federal Reserve 19:22 cooks up a concoction that they actually 19:24 have to taste their cooking and eat it 19:27 themselves before passing it out on the 19:30 menu 19:30 everybody else you know because when I 19:32 look around the world i mean this is 19:34 what i say this is and many people who 19:36 listen to what I report and and what I 19:40 talk about is the Fed around the world 19:43 not just here in united states that the 19:44 ECB the IMF the central bank systems we 19:48 look around Europe 19:49 I mean that they have huge amount of a 19:52 high very high unemployment most of the 19:54 countries are in debt there at negative 19:57 interest rates and they're continually 20:00 purchasing a corporate bonds therefore 20:02 you know they're monetizing the debt the 20:04 same thing in the United States to 20:05 monetizing the debt 20:07 they're buying Treasuries 20:09 and right now over this period of time 20:12 it seems like the system is completely 20:14 broken down and right now the people at 20:18 at the bottom they are completely 20:20 suffering through all of this and it 20:23 doesn't seem like it's getting better as 20:25 they continue on with their policies 20:27 well I would push back a bit i would say 20:31 that the people at the very bottom are 20:34 doing okay we've had one of the quietest 20:37 expansions of the social safety net 20:39 since FDR was an office i would say that 20:42 people right above them are suffering 20:44 the most the people who get up every day 20:46 and go to work and pay their taxes and 20:50 stretch themselves to pay property taxes 20:52 to cover underfunded pensions that have 20:55 been corrupted and cannot put food on 20:59 the table and are forced to take out a 21:01 subprime auto loan in order to get back 21:04 and forth to work to stretch that 21:06 payment amount i would say it's the it's 21:08 the run right about there being hollowed 21:11 out and being a disservice to the most 21:15 by Federal Reserve policy it's those who 21:17 want to continue to give that has been 21:20 destroyed the greatest degree and who 21:23 are arguably really angry and deservedly 21:28 cell 21:28 yes i do agree with you on that it is 21:30 the middle classes kind of disappearing 21:33 but I mean if the bottom rung if we took 21:35 away all those short social programs 21:37 food and food stamps number of people on 21:40 food stamps ever have gone up 21:41 dramatically if the government couldn't 21:43 pay for that anymore it would be pretty 21:45 much almost everyone except for the very 21:46 wealthy that would be suffering right 21:48 now I since Trump has become president 21:52 do you think he's going to approach the 21:55 said and end the fed why don't you get 21:57 ended I mean he's he's got a lot of 21:59 things he wants to spend money on last I 22:02 checked and for that you need somebody 22:05 controlling the leavers of interest 22:06 rates so when people ask me about Trump 22:10 my stock answer is I hope she introduces 22:16 the essential changes that are needed 22:18 inside the institution he had an 22:20 immediate opportunity an enormous 22:23 opportunity because there are two 22:24 vacancies on the federal reserve board 22:25 so he's got it in him he's got the power 22:29 right now to put to defending voices on 22:32 the federal reserve board i'll dig into 22:34 the weeds for just to be a bit with you 22:36 last September Janet Yellen was staring 22:39 down the barrel of a double descent on 22:41 the Federal Reserve Board Tarullo and 22:43 Brainard were very vocally threatening 22:46 the descent something that only happens 22:47 on the Federal Reserve or twice in the 22:49 last 21 years 22:51 so rather than withstand that she took a 22:53 triple percent from three district bank 22:55 presidents who were stepping down from 22:57 their voting rotation in December Yellin 23:01 does not want people on her inner in the 23:04 winter inner sanctum to say no and Trump 23:07 has an immediate opportunity to put 23:09 people on the federal reserve board who 23:10 will push back and we'll say no 23:12 immediately and then you will see other 23:16 people follow Janet yellen's term is 23:19 over in less than a year i think Daniel 23:23 Tarullo would follow if a check and 23:25 balance was placed in where he is i 23:28 think brainerd would leave as well and 23:30 Stanley Fisher's term is due up the vice 23:32 chair of the Federal Reserve Board in 23:34 June you're talking about six of the 23:36 seven feet on the federal reserve board 23:38 that are there for the picking for 23:40 president Trump to fill and completely 23:44 revolutionized and change the face of 23:46 that organization so I mean I said in 23:49 the Fed what happens if he decides to 23:51 get rid of the private part that part 23:56 but the privacy of the Fed to open up 23:59 and the government actually take control 24:00 of the Fed you think he'll make that 24:03 move 24:03 well I hope is a wise enough sold 24:06 understand the last thing we need is a 24:08 bunch of politicians running the Fed the 24:10 Fed become overly political as it is I 24:12 wouldn't want Congress writing it not on 24:15 behalf of my children because obviously 24:18 there's other ways of Independence and 24:20 reason bringing in complete outsiders so 24:23 i would hope that he would not invite 24:24 the Fox into the henhouse of the Fed I 24:27 mean I different that because the 24:28 Constitution when it was created in 24:31 look at you know coining money there 24:33 there was no fed I mean Andrew Jackson 24:35 ran on the platform of removing the 24:37 deciding with the second bank of america 24:39 with essential type of bank at that time 24:42 and I think we've come to this point in 24:45 time in our country where many things 24:49 need to change and personally I think 24:50 one of them is this the central bank 24:53 which is the Fed where it needs to have 24:55 a complete overhaul or actually just 24:57 completely remove it because I really 25:00 still do not see a benefit of a private 25:03 corporation creating currency out of 25:06 thin air and attaching interest on it 25:08 and loaning it to the government where 25:10 then filters down to the people and put 25:12 people into further and further debt 25:15 well I think we're agreeing to disagree 25:16 here because you're talking about the 25:18 way the Fed operates today as being 25:21 broken and in that sense i would say 25:23 absolutely it needs to be fixed it needs 25:26 to be re-engineered it needs to be 25:28 recreated you need to go down to the 25:29 studs so in that we agree it's whatever 25:33 central bank i think china was still a 25:35 huge party because they know that our 25:37 financial system is global and if we had 25:40 a narky inside of our banking system 25:42 then they would be that one step closer 25:44 to having their current CD the reserve 25:47 currency and overtaking our economy and 25:50 becoming the largest economy in the 25:51 world we have to understand that we are 25:53 interconnected in our global financial 25:55 system and the magic that is not a bell 25:57 you can ring which means you have to be 25:59 in it to win it 26:01 and again I say it one more time take 26:03 the Federal Reserve down to the studs we 26:06 are not a country anymore that we were 26:09 in 1913 you don't need to have all of 26:12 the decision-making centralized in New 26:15 York and in Washington you need to 26:17 decentralize it and put the powers 26:19 inside of the district where we have 26:21 economic growth and make sure that every 26:23 federal reserve district president is as 26:26 a permanent vote going forward against 26:29 you distill that power base that has 26:31 become so politicized in washington DC 26:33 you mention the the the dollar being the 26:37 reserve currency there are many out 26:39 there calling for a different reserve 26:41 currency 26:42 see where they're saying maybe the SDR 26:44 we see problems in the Middle East where 26:47 we had the petrodollar where these 26:49 countries are using the dollar to pay 26:50 for oil purchases and that seems to be 26:54 eroding away right now and we see right 26:58 now that there are many out there saying 26:59 that you have the dollar it's not going 27:01 to be the reserve currency anymore that 27:04 there is there are replacements that are 27:07 ready to take over 27:08 did you see that at all well given the 27:10 debt load of the country i think if 27:12 there was a viable alternative we would 27:13 already be there but the infrastructure 27:17 to have some kind of a of a hybrid or a 27:21 basket of currencies replace it with a 27:23 bit cone coin for example replace it 27:25 we simply don't have a payment system in 27:27 place globally that would withstand that 27:29 if we did I think we would be much more 27:32 vulnerable if we go out 10 years from 27:35 now and don't and that's the changes 27:37 that are required i think china steps 27:40 into that breach and replaces a dollar 27:42 and then we're in men were truly in the 27:44 soup 27:45 what are we going to do with are going 27:46 to tell our grandchildren then yeah I 27:48 mean that everything would completely 27:49 change and our way of life will 27:51 completely change at that point and 27:53 everything I mean you even mentioned 27:55 China because China and Russia they have 27:57 almost kind of duplicated everything 28:00 here in the United States they created a 28:01 payment system they created very similar 28:04 market the gold exchange the shanghai 28:07 gold exchange and it looks like they're 28:09 kind of duplicating what we have here 28:12 maybe to set up a them or you know China 28:16 or Russia or whatever to be the reserve 28:19 currency of the world and you know if 28:21 you don't know if you see that or you 28:22 heard about well i think that the 28:24 groundwork is sunlight but again china 28:25 tower four percent of the global payment 28:28 system on a practical level it doesn't 28:30 work but over time again these are not 28:35 changes that i'm talking about meeting 28:37 to be made over the next eight years i 28:40 think these are immediate changes to 28:42 have to be effective immediately because 28:46 as you mentioned they'd at least 28:48 followed us in principle if not in 28:51 practice 28:52 and laid the groundwork for them to one 28:56 day take over and the longer we wait the 29:01 more more vulnerable we become to that 29:04 becoming individuality neither of them 29:06 have strong enough banking systems 29:08 resources or economies to take over the 29:13 United States at this point it's just 29:14 not a it is not a reality that that can 29:17 come to pass anytime soon china banking 29:19 system is largely known to be insolvent 29:21 and the corruption in Russia is that 29:23 prevents them from being a true viable 29:25 alternative but again you never know 29:27 what tomorrow holds 29:29 if the anger that is at the core of the 29:33 global inequality divided continues to 29:36 simmer and is left unchecked and I go 29:40 back to what I said earlier you begin to 29:42 lay the foundations for World War 29:46 because that's what happens when 29:48 economic strife is allowed to continue 29:51 to fester under the surface and the 29:55 anger continues to build not just among 29:57 Americans who were called the deplorable 29:59 but among the world quote-unquote 30:02 deplorable who work hard everyday I i 30:07 hate to look into the future and see 30:08 that as a possibility but to your point 30:11 all four of my children have been taking 30:12 a drink since they were four years old 30:14 the best defense is a good often Daniel 30:17 I really appreciate you coming on the 30:18 x20 report spotlight once again how can 30:21 people find your book and how can they 30:23 purchase it 30:24 uh well first of all follow me on 30:25 twitter if you will at DeMartino boots i 30:27 talked about the same subjects you and I 30:29 discussed everyday 24-7 and sign up for 30:33 my newsletter at and go on 30:37 Amazon go on 30:38 going into books step 30:41 into your bookstore might like my books 30:43 out in on valentine's day go by the book 30:46 read it give it to your mother give it 30:49 to your children give it a big it pass 30:51 it out widely so that people can 30:54 understand that it's possible to forge a 30:57 pathway forward for the Federal Reserve 30:59 and for our economies future Daniel 31:02 thank you very much for being in the 31:03 spotlight once again i really do 31:04 appreciate it thanks 31:05 very much thank you so much for your 31:07 time

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