GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

James Turk the Euro wont survive the Dollar

James Turk on how strong is the Euro ? : I want to evaluate each of these 7 points between the dollar and the Euro , number one gold prices rising , it's rising in dollar terms and it's rising in Euro terms and keep in mind to when I am talking about the dollar , what is backing the Euro , you have a little bit of GOLD in the ECB , if it hasn't been loaned out , we do not know much it has been loaned out because the ECB does not disclose that information ...eliminating the old from there what else is backing the EURO ? The DOLLAR , if the US Dollar goes into the black hole the gravitational pool will eventually pull the Euro with it , that's my basic premise might not happen right away , it might take few weeks or few months but unless the Euro creates its own policy separate from the state of the US Dollar , if the US dollar goes into the black hole the gravitational pool will pull the Euro with it .....

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