GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bob Chapman : The Large Banks are shorting Gold on Behalf of The US government

Bob Chapman on A Marines disquisition Sept 9 2010

Bob Chapman : The Large Banks are shorting Gold on Behalf of The US government

Bob Chapman on The International Forecaster of 08 sept 2010 :"Unemployment still is going nowhere although recent numbers on the face were not all that had. Of the 67,000 in job growth 10,000 was the result of the end of a construction strike. A figure government loves to hide is those forced into part-time employment by an additional 331,000, which certainly keeps the figure close to 10 million. In case you didn’t notice all the gains were part-timers – hours worked were flat. Manufacturing lost 27,000 jobs. In April the diffusion index was 68 and in August it was 53. Probably the most important figure of all U6 rose in August to 16.7% from 16.5% in July, as real unemployment after taking out the birth/death ratio rose again to 21-3/8%. This news should keep wage increases flat to slightly higher."

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