GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bob Chapman : There is an 85% Chance The Euro will Collapse and the Eurozone will breakup

In a 2 to 3 years there will be a a probable breakup in the Eurozone , there is 85% The Euro will Collapse and the Eurozone will breakup , Germany alone cannot keep on holding the Eurozone , regarding the North American Continent , despite the dollar rising lately the facts are The US government is broke and so is Wall Street so the only place you want to be says Bob Chapman is the hard assets of GOLD , Gold have been the only valid currency for the last 6000 years , Bob Chapman explains why he thinks gold is even better than Silver,


  1. 85%? Come on! Greece and Spain (and Ireland & Italy) are a small potatoes in the EU. Nothing compared to California. I bookmarked your rss feed some time a go but this is just too much. Try keeping it real and I might return.

  2. to Anonymous : no they are not small potatoes in the EU , Spain alone participate by over 10% to the European GDP , Italy is of course a lot bigger ...the title is as Bob said 85% of the chance Greece will collapse in case you thought that it means that Spain Italy Greece etc are 85% of the EU economy ...I know Europe as the palm of my hands for having lived there for over 12 years I constantly watch their media in different languages , so I think that I can say that I know what I am talking about...


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