GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Inflationary Depression By Bob Chapman

Bob Chapman
The Inflationary Depression

By Bob Chapman

February 10, 2010 "International Forecaster" -- The inflationary depression still dominates and probably will continue to do so. In time the stimulus will fail to work and the world will slip into total insolvency and deflationary depression. The old M3 is about 3%, but we still have $23.7 trillion floating around. Not only is the US bankrupt, but also so is the rest of the world. It is now only a question of when the dominos will fall. It looks like the first wave in the collapse of the bear market rally is underway. Bonds will follow with higher interest rates and eventually commodities will be hit. Only gold and silver will survive, as the bankers and Wall Street complete their destruction of the world economy.

Holding currencies is also a loser. Eventually the best will fall to gold and silver. There is no possibility that quantitative easing can be curtailed and that means debt will continue to grow exponentially. By way of example in 2007 public debt as a percentage of GDP was 62% and this year it will be 94%; in England 44% to 82%; in the G-20 62% to 85%; in Europe an average of 63% to 85%, excepting Italy at 104% to 120%, and in Japan 188% to 227%. Over the next two years some of these nations are going to default, never mind Ireland, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Eastern Baltic Europe, which are well on the way to being basket cases. Due to current economic conditions these nations cannot generate revenue sufficient to even pay the service on the debt. Revenues are off 11% in the US and they are headed lower. In the President’s budget $100 billion is earmarked for incentives for job creation and $25 billion for the states that are generally incapable of even paying unemployment compensation. Forty states are on the edge of bankruptcy. The President wants to double the aid to education in a totally failed system. Governmental debt is growing at a rate of more than 20%. Then we can pencil in the bailout programs and the bankruptcy of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Ginnie Mae, FHA, AIG and GM. The 19 major banks are still insolvent. They are all keeping two sets of books and mark-to- model, not to market. That means their assets are worth what they say they are. The collapse of the credit crisis is still underway. All the kings’ horses and all the kings’ men cannot put America back together again.
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