GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Friday, October 23, 2009

America is at the mercy of its creditors Bob Chapman The International Forecaster Weekly Report

In his weekly article under the title 'The Fed At The Heart Of Control Of Our Country' the International Forecaster Bob Chapman wrote :
"Most Americans do not understand what is going on or don’t care to know. Most are ill-educated and do not really and a chance of comprehending what is going on. That is compounded by drugs and alcohol and a steady stream of media propaganda and brainwashing produced by NYC and Washington. Our daughter teaches the fourth grade and 20 of 23 students are not passing. They are split three ways: white, black and Spanish speaking. Then there is no ‘Child Left Behind,’ which will make sure they pass summer school and when they graduate they will be functionally illiterate. It doesn’t get much worse than this. When we went to school one or maybe two out of 30 wouldn’t pass and they were kept back for a year. It is outrageous. They spend all their time studying for federal government mandated tests, and learn little else. Our three grandchildren read one to four extra books a week and fortunately really excel in their studies. It can be done, but it takes lots of work and dedication something that most parents do not have time for. This in part is what is responsible for America’s failure and lack of leadership. Leadership, which is totally in the hands of the wealthy Illuminists. If it is any consolation the rest of the world isn’t doing much better."

Read Article >>>>
Tags :
Bob Chapman the international forecaster Peter Schiff, Bailout, Crisis, Economy, CNBC, Mark Zandi, Inflation Jim Rogers, Commodities, China, Agriculture Bill Murphy GATA Gold Silver Fed Geithner Obama Summers Dollar Max Keiser Barack Finance Schiff Alex Jones Ron Paul Liberty Freedom FED Ben Be AdrianDouglas Hyperinflation Bailout Rescue Euro Depression Martin Hennecke Inflation, Deflation, China Gold, Futures, Manipulation El Erian, Pimco, Recession, Stagflation Housing Unemployment Families Yuan China Currency Lo Argentina Bank Banks Collapse Corporations Corruption Economic Government IMF Neo-liberal Policies Swindle Theft World Business Commerce Finance Issues Law Legal NASDAQ:PCAR News NYSE:CAT NYSE:CMI NYSE:DE NYSE:MTW NYSE:TEX Personal Science Shopping Technology China Depletion Devaluation Dollar Federal Inflation Oil Paul Reserve Ron Credit Crisis Economy Housing Market Mortgage Stock Jim Rogers Depression Economist Estate Housing Hyperinflation Meltdown Mortgage Real Subprime Ben Bernanke Fed Street Wall 2nd American Revolution, America, Autumn Trends Journal, Barack Obama, Ben Bernanke, economic collapse, economic crisis, economic decline, economic meltdown, economic recession, financial crisis, financial meltdown, Gerald Celente, global recession, Greatest Depression, Project 2012, Trends Research Institute, United States, US recession, USA, war on terror, Zionist

1 comment:

  1. Hello. As a Canadian I can't judge the US, but I am in total agreement with you that education is fundamental. Without education people can hardly differenciate the truth from lie because they don't know what the politicians talk about. Therefore, they are easy victims of media propaganda and political promises.
    Wishing you all the best,


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