GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

China will buy Tons of Gold and Silver the prices will explode

Gold to the moon | Bill Murphy on KWN Friday, August 28, 2009

Bio - Bill Murphy, Chairman and Director.

Murphy grew up in Glen Ridge, N.J., and graduated from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University in 1968. In his senior year he broke all the Ivy League single-year pass-receving records. He then became a starting wide receiver for the Boston Patriots of the American Football League. He went on to work for various Wall Street brokerage firms and specialized in commodity futures. He began as a Merrill Lynch trainee and went on to Shearson Hayden Stone and Drexel Burnham. From there he became affiliated with introducing brokers and eventually started his own brokerage on 5th Avenue in New York. He now operates an Internet site for financial commentary,
Category: News & Politics
fed audit gold silver bill murphy ron paul barney frank king world news rand peter schiff cartel adrian douglas max keiser dollar collapse usd obama deception geithner goldman sachs ted butler goldtothemoon price capping explosion bob chapman alex jones


  1. Chinese investors are now diving into precious metals, as China aggressively promotes it on State Controlled TV. Chinese Banks now sell silver and gold. China seems to understand free-market capitalism better than A NWO USSA.

    Gold is a SlingShot, but Silver is A SkyRocket!! The Gold/Silver Ratio gap (67x1) will soon rapidly close as more and more investors seek "poor man's gold" amidst an acute silver shortage.

    Chinese gov't mining partners like SilverCorp Metals (SVM) are already SkyRocketing, as easy licensing and production costs as low as $2/oz make massive profitability and expansion a virtual no brainer, with the giant gov't promoting massive local demand while also providing unlimited cheap Chinese labor.

    Big Ben Bernie'$ Bucks headed south to Zimbabwe?

  2. The chinese are not behind it. The federal reserve did it. Their artificially low interest rates encouraged unsustainable growth. People invested in a future that we were not prepared for because we had no savings.

    gold party


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