GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Monday, August 31, 2009

How The Rothschild control the Gold Market

Rothschild Gold

The Gold of The Rothschild :
historically the Rothschild family wealth is hidden in underground vaults , The Rothschild secret wealth records were never audited and never accounted for ...researchers estimate their wealth to close to 500 trillion dollars more than half the wealth of the entire world palaces wineries horse race resorts mansions the Rothschild bought Reuters in the 18th , Reuters then bought the associated Press AP which selects and delivers the same news stories to the entire world day after day they have controlling interests in 3 major television networks until recently the owned and operated the England's Royal Mint and continue to be the Gold agent for the bank of England which they also direct they control the LBMA London Bullion Market association where 30 t0 42 million ounces of gold worth over 11 trillion dollars are traded daily . The Rothschild earn millions weekly just on transaction fees alone , they also fix the world price of gold on a daily basis and profit from its ups and down , over the centuries the Rothschild have amassed trillions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their subterranean vault and


  1. Are you fucking kidding me? Is this documentary really using footage from the movie Goldfinger? At least have the common sense to edit the charcter out of the clip you morons.

    So what if they could feed, sheleter and cloth every human on earth. Its their money, they have been earning it for centuries. What was your family doing 4 centuries ago? Just the suggestion of distributing this wealth is disgusting.

  2. select few are extremely rich and the rest of the world is absolutely poor.,but i guess its their money!

  3. No it was not REAL MONEY A--HOLES!! Check your HISTORY! Rothschild was originally Bauer...a goldsmith in Germany who was not rich. Then, he was granted the power to, instead of loaning gold to others, to loan more convenient "paper" (i.e. fake) money. AND HERE'S THE KEY: the German government THEN ALLOWED THE ROTSCHILD TO LOAN/PRINT 10 TIMES MORE MONEY THAN ROTSCHILD ACTUALLY HAD!!! THIS MEANT THAT IF EVERYONE TRIED TO GO BACK TO ROTSCHILD AND COLLECT THEIR MONEY THEY COULDN'T BECAUSE HE LIED/DECEIVED! HE NEVER HAD THE MONEY IN THE FIST PLACE! THIS WAS DONE SO HE COULD MAKE MONEY OFF THE INTEREST!!!! AND IT IS NOW RUNNING AND RUINING THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Patriot Sam,

    My family was not starting wars, funding both sides and enslaving whole civilizations. The Rothschold family represents the worst humanity has to offer. Pretty much all the rotton stuff that is going on in the world today, the assinations over the past 200 years and the direction towards a system of world governance is due to the Rothschild family. I say steal the gold back and hope they resist.

  5. Patriot Sam,

    Oh, and further, there has always been a class war going on. That war will always exist. It historically goes to a hot war after long periods when the masses stand down. It looks like it will go hot war about any time - whenever enough of the people realize they have been financially raped for such a long period of time. Patriot Sam, whether you know it or not, you and your ilk are shills for the elite. You are no "patriot."

  6. Patriot Sam,

    And lastly, you and all others who are the lapdogs of the elite, the apologists, some in law enforcement and the military, most politicians and the ranks of white collar criminals who have acted to enrich the elite will rue the day the people finally awaken. That will be the day you and your accomplices will experience the last few moments of your miserable lives knowing you were so wrong. As for the elite, I sort of hope they suffer many days knowing of the consequence of their crimes. Sam, you know you are no patriot.

  7. Earning their money? You know nothing about fractional reserve banking do you? The money works for them.

  8. Using fractional reserve banking amongst other ways to create wealth and became super wealthy isn't really what worries me. It's the One World Order and the chip they've created that does. I mean paying if you haven't your taxes they will just deduct it from your account without notification. That's what I call total control of the wealth of the world.


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