π The Stock Market due for a Crash , Facebook releases Libra , The Fed behind the Robinhood App !!
There are no investors in the stock market; there are only gamblers. The only reason you buy a stock is because you think the price will go up, and the only reason somebody is willing to sell you that stock is because they believe the price will go down. One of you will be wrong, but by the time you figure out who is right and who is wrong, one of you will have cash in your checking account, and the other will have a piece of paper called a stock certificate.
Apparently, every generation has to learn the hard way about stock market bubbles, and now it's Generation Z's turn while they're stuck in lockdown with their Robinhood app. But, this stock bubble is exceptionally obscene when the real unemployment rate is over 20%.
Always arriving but somehow, never getting there. It is a sucker's market, folks. It is rife with amateurs buying bankrupt companies, companies heavily in debt - all in the middle of a Recession (more like a depression), under the belief, that you buy low and ride the crest to the top with this supposed, "V" recovery coming! Meanwhile, the seasoned investor is out there, knowing fully, that all hell is going to break loose and it is going to be an "S" recovery, with a highly "juiced" (by the Fed) S&P to give the appearance, that a recovery is in full swing. Run the other way, or you WILL LOSE your shirt!
The Federal Reserve is what really propping up the markets. They went on a buying spree to purchase billions in corporate bonds to save corporate America, mostly through ETF's. In fact, Blackrock, Inc. recently came under scrutiny for its cozy relationship with the Federal Reserve, who has bought more stocks through them than any other asset management firm of its type.
Now they started buying corporate bonds through ETFs.This will most likely turn like Japan, where the Fed is buying stocks. Stimulus money always ends up in the market. Corporations are buying their own stocks with the free money.
The FED just injected 5 trillion and bought every failing asset in the US. The Fed can basically do whatever it wants with no consequence to the Fed. The consequences will fall on the rest of us. What else is new? Nepotism. The US taxpayers will be responsible for paying the trillions in additional debt.
Why has the stock market soared? Because originally, the Fed has supplied cash to bolster the economy. However, stray cash is going into the stock market. Also, human beings' greed has been overriding all kinds of concerns about the dismal economy. Greed has created rampant speculation. Therefore, all gloomy economic indicators are meaningless to people. Actually, they have intentionally turned away from the gloomy data, seeing what they want to see. This is why the stock market has been skyrocketing, even without the recovery in the economy. The oversupplied cash and greed have separated the stock market from the economy.
The Fed's prime directive is to maintain inflated high stock market prices to continue the Trickle Down Economics, while publicly denouncing the trickle-down concept.
I look at buys on these companies.
No way individual investors can buy 100000 shares of these stocks. The money involved has to be from institutions. How anyone can't see that is beyond me.
Fed working low volume at night bidding against themselves. Your tax dollars at work. People have figured out the pattern buy at closing sell in the morning.
Just to be clear, we are still in a bear market. We just had the bear market rally. Implied P/E on DOW is almost 25. We have a long way down to go.
Everyone knows the market can't go up another 10% this summer, the Fed stimulus is factored in, and so this will all die off, and we'll start seeing the more typical market actions with the occasional pop and drop on some news. The stock market is amoral and has no care for anything except profit.
I just cannot see how this is sustainable when it’s fuelled by a Ponzi scheme. If the market keeps going up, then I would bail out in October before the election. It just feels like something is going to pop a relief valve this year.
It looks like it is finally time to short the market.
Robinhood is probably none other than The Fed and their magic money printing machine.
A clear sign we are on the verge of The Great Reset.
Bizarro Robinhood App is rigged to steal from the poor and give to the rich through stealing their trade data and selling to Wall Street to further manipulate on their Not Level Playing Field.
These commission-free trade apps are designed to steal from the poor and give to the rich by selling their data to Wall Street.
How do we know the Fed hasn't figured out a way to open a million individual trading accounts with Robinhood? Buying stocks directly now, are we?...
The Robinhood meme is being used to generate FOMO. Don't be fooled by the propaganda. It's a honey trap.
When the elite let you into their rigged game, it´s because they need suckers before the plug off.
All these retail gamblers will end up squeezed.
This is what happens 90% of the time to gamblers:
tiny win, win, win, big win, huge loss. GAME OVER. Thanks for playing.
The Fed is propping 401K and retail. This time the suckers are winning.
As of June 10, the S&P 500 was up nearly 1,000 points since its low in late March. There's a lot of economic uncertainty abounding these days. The US market had soared about 30 percent since the trough, driven in part by record amounts of the central bank and government stimulus, leading to worries the rally had become too detached from economic reality.
In the face of a breathtaking disconnect between Main Street and Wall Street, largely based on overconfidence in free money, my sense is that there remains a crisis ahead that will emerge ‘gradually and then suddenly.
Things go up until they don’t. I’m more bearish than ever right now. So if the momentum changes, there will be nothing to support these overpriced stocks. In other words, get out before the rest. Never try to call the top or the bottom. We are much closer to a top than a bottom, so the greatest risk is to the downside.
THE HELP GIVEN RECENTLY ALREADY went up in SMOKE! We are in a recession already. Forty-two million filing for unemployment- bailouts for everyone. Five trillion deficit and plenty of failing businesses.
The V-shaped recovery is no longer likely. I think reality will sink in around the end of the 3rd quarter when the extra unemployment benefits run dry, and unemployment is still high. I think real estate is in for a big shock between now and year-end. Logic has left the market when people think Hertz is still a buy.
Fabulous and permanent losses coming for inflated B.S.market.
It is going to be catastrophic for we the people, as every 401K in the country is tied to these stocks. Not to mention the Pension Funds in general.
EVERYTHING in this market is RIGGED FOR THE RICH!!!!! WAKE UP AND LOOK!!! THIS IS NOT A FAIR MARKET IT IS RIGGED FOR THE RICH!!!! AND STUPID PEOPLE SUPPORT IT! If you hold any of the stocks, you better sell them fast.
I would stay clear of this market. They will steal your money. It is all digital. They see you, worse than a casino. You are not in the Illuminati insider trader mafia; they will steal your money. Charts change direction as soon as a pigeon (non-mafia person) “invests” with the market scam.
IOW, all of the 'algos, quants, BTD, data analysis, charts and graphs, ad nauseum' were horse manure.
Only really long involved and huge money players like Warren Buffet and Carl Icahn and their ilk who occupied the rarefied atmosphere of finance ever made any real money. And that was because of their longevity, their access to insider information, and their reputations as 'financial geniuses' and finance-world A-listers. Kinda like how Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg are Hollywood A-listers, whose longevity, records of success, reputations, power, etc. give them access to the money and resources for movie-making that some bit-part actor could never achieve.
IOW, the whole finance game has for many years (since the cabal gained total control over Wall Street and our government) been a rigged casino game in which only the A-lister power-players win. And the rabble retail investors in fly-over country lose.
The 'data analysis, algos' and all that other horse manure were just bright shiny objects to make the rabble think that the game was clean and not rigged and that they had a chance in the investment game.
I have one tulip-bulb that I will sell for two riverside town-houses!!
Everyone seems to have bought into this "Fed will save everything" and "it will be a repeat of 2008" mindset. The issues I have with that are, in 2008, the Fed stuffed money down the throats of big business and fattened up already fat accounts so that their books looked good. Once the crises were deemed over, those corporations used that money for buybacks and various other schemes to boost the stock and enrich the upper management. Today the environment is much different. Instead of fattening up accounts, the Fed money is being used to keep corporations solvent, and much of it is being rapidly spent. Corporations are taking in massive amounts of debt to add to the already massive amounts they racked up with their self-enrichment schemes. All this debt will weigh heavily on earnings well into the future. Bottom line is, if "Investors" are "betting the house" on a Fed fueled explosion after this is over, they may be disappointed, as the money to do that has already been spent...
People say that the market is a forward-looking indicator and always rallies six months before an actual turn in the economy. The truth is that it is almost perpetually in rally mode, and like a broken clock ( hit and hope), it eventually gets it right. We may still find ourselves testing the bottom.
The main driver of stock prices is supposed to be earnings and revenue. This year's earnings for most companies will have a significant decline. Many company's earnings in 2021 will be lower than their earnings were in 2019. In the near future, the big players will reverse and start shorting the market and push stock prices down.
Spikes in every state reopened, and we have yet to see the effect of the mass protests. Earnings are the core driver of stocks over the long run, so this short-run speculative bubble that has been created will soon pop. Hopefully, you did what a lot of people did on Friday and take some profits and put some cash on the sidelines. I wouldn't want to be a margin trader in this market, and no, just because you defy all logic and your stock still goes up, that doesn't mean you're good at picking stocks. That just means other gamblers are playing the same losing bet.
No bear market. No bull market. This is a kangaroo market. Pullbacks and rotation by those faceless criminals! Where is SEC now?
The only way to stop robbing pullbacks is to investigate and arrest those criminals (the worst kind - those big trade firms) behind selloffs and meetups. So-called market is the kind of Ponzi scheme, as old and dirty as, if not more than prostitution.
Our whole market is smoke and mirrors.
Stocks of bankrupt companies going bananas despite companies being broke.
USA service economy, will not give real jobs to real people.
Businesses aren't paying their rents; landlords aren't paying their mortgages.
Fed is propping up the banking system while forcing everyone to pay their debt. Forbearances are coming to an end soon.
Let the banks fall and restructure them later. We need a debt jubilee. We are running out of options.
Rebuild the middle class and give them some wealth by letting them stay in their homes.
This is the reckoning of over 30 years of stagnant wage growth, stagnant purchasing power, the destruction and outsourcing of good-paying jobs, industrial de-investment in the U.S., debt pyramiding, market manipulation, central bank planning, speculative stock investing, the ability to borrow money on the cheap, massive wealth consolidation in the form of inflated stock and asset prices.....
All leaving our economy in a fragile state and the average worker most vulnerable to the pain of a collapsing economy.
The world's wealthiest and most powerful country (we keep telling ourselves that) couldn't figure out a way to keep 40 million people employed.
What an embarrassment.
Aside from that, If you want to ride the madness and make a buck out of it. Facebooks Libra coin just got released 1 hour ago! You should get some fast because they have a sale at the moment, but it could be over soon because everyone is buying in.
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Where would the market be if companies' policies not dictated by stock price, no stock buybacks could be done, and QE was not 6-10 trillion dollars, and some type of common accounting practices were actually used. I want to say the market would be around SPY: 40-60. I think its like 300 now. Got as high as 330. Just kept going up and up and up. No chance to ever get in. Because when it does go down two seconds later, they come with the firehoses and dump a shitload more money on it. You have like 2 minutes to make a buy before its right back to where it was. No thanks! Rigged Casino, with algos, front running bid and ask. How can it even be called a market? It doesn't even resemble one. It is just some tainted fake ATM that just spews out fake cash nonstop.
The heart of the problem lies back in the '70s when the Fed, along with Republican and Democratic senators pushed bank "reform," which just repealed major acts that regulated the banking industry, monopoly laws, etc.
Along with this came the removal of the gold standard in 71, which then started the printing frenzy, and the stock market exploded (alongside gold, unlike now).
The QE/Stock buybacks/TARP is just what happens when the tide rises, and the rats start to flee the ship. It is essentially the beginning of the end of the US dollar as a global hegemonic currency. If you got rid of the buybacks, QE, etc. you would just prolong the inevitable by a few decades, but the rot is still there. The FED still has complete control, still unelected, still deciding how much money to pillage from future generations to keep the system solvent.
The algos and High-Frequency Trading are just one way the large institutions can further steal down the chain.
The Fed steals and sends the money to the banks. The corporations steal by getting credit with little interest, pumping corporate paychecks, and paying 0 taxes. The algos steal even more blatantly by getting essentially premier access to the stock market.
If you think Forbes 100 is correct, think again. I'm 100% certain there are individuals walking in the US today whose net worth eclipse Bezos and Gates, yet no one knows about them. Think about being in control of where $5 TRILLION goes to. How easy it would be to send just 1% of that money through various entities to a private bank account in the Bahamas.
COVID 19 is about engineered economic collapse meant to accelerate bringing in the new monetary system. The new system is not currency; it is a credit system that will give the elite even greater control. The goal is control, whereby humanity is transitioned from freedom to slavery. If you know anything about the present financial system, you know that is already the case; however, the new system will be many many times worse. By cooperating with the COVID narrative, we are accepting a slave system that the vast majority cannot even comprehend at this point.
The next President will be blamed for our out of control debt, the high unemployment, etc. If I were Biden, I think I would say no thanks for the opportunity, but I'll pass! Let Trump deal with the mess that he has created!
Many have fought the Fed; few are still alive to talk about it.
This was The Atlantis Report.
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