GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Silver refining

Silver refining

A micro-scale experiment explaining some principles related to the refining process of silver.

Some Questions and answers:

-Why use such a small container? =Because the larger the container the more solution of silver nitrate is required, which means that more of your silver is trapped in there.

-What are those small spots on your skin? =As you can imagine, it is due to silver nitrate splashes that landed on it. It is not so tragic, I tell everyone that I refilled a printer ink cartridge.

-Dude, how can you know that the silver content is 70% ? =Well, I know what went into that jar, that's why.

-Could you build a much better power supply? Theoretically I could, out of two transformers. But I have not found the right types yet. Actually anything that can supply (DC current) a voltage between 1,5 and 3,5 V and lots of Amps (goes anywhere from 10A to 800A) is suited for the job. Plating rectifiers do the job, but they cost a lot.

-Didn't your @1,5V time lapse take too long for producing almost nothing? =The batteries were already a bit consumed, I didn't measure it but I guess the current was much smaller than 0,28A. Theoretically each battery can supply at least 2000mAh which means that each battery can plate out 8,048g of pure silver.

-70% of 25g makes 17,5g, you only got 16,9g of fine silver, where is the rest of it? =The rest of the silver is in the first solution where I left the copper tube in, a small part is in the electrolyte solution because it had a bit of free nitric acid.

-Where do I get nitric acid from? =Good question, depends where on this planet you live at. In some countries you cannot buy nitric acid but you might get it through friends who work at a synthesis plant. In others, like Germany, you go to the pharmacy and buy some. Either way, you still have the option to make your own, I recommend watching Nurdrage's videos on how to make some.

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