GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bob Chapman : The Elite want to reduce the world population by up to 80%

Bob Chapman : we need to get rid of Campaign contributions , lobbying and executive orders together with the FED , otherwise America will slip into chaos and civil war

Bob Chapman on the sovereign economist 17 February 2010
Bob Chapman The International forecaster in this episode will speak amongst other things about the Greece economic crisis , its consequences for Europe and the Euro Zone , Bob Chapman explains the elites plans for a world government and a world currency and how they want to achieve that by bringing down all the known countries and nations we have on the map today ...The elite says Bob Chapman are planning a meeting like the one the Smithsonian in the early seventies currencies will all revalue and devalue against each other and they will attempt to form an international trading union ....the world elite have some nasty plans for the planet , and they won't hesitate to get rid of 60% to 80% of world population through manufactured viruses diseases and wars , warns Bob Chapman.....Greece and Dubai affairs are precursors to some big changes unfolding in the coming few years...

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